So much has happen. but nvm.
Basically I'm sick! Flu. I'm considered high risk because of asthma so he gave me stronger anti-biotics. hopefully i'm at least 3/4 recover by tmr. So i can go for my damn driving lesson. I'd rather cancel after what happen last sat*shudders* but nvm. Can't cancel. no refund:(.
Any way.Got all my first UT grades. 4 A's and a B+. Not bad la. Esp proud of genomics. 26.5! yayness.
*OMG, i cant even eat in peace. my throat is so icthyyyyy*
Anyhowww, guess what letter i received today?? An email to inform us that we're supposed to met with the agent next week! For australia! To go MONASH! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! weeeee. so exciting. Its like you've always known the shape of the dream and now you can feel the shape!
so wow!
Let really pray Hema recover recover by tm so that she wont be on 1 week MC and will be able to attend that meeting!
pray people. pray real hard!